Who am I and why the hell should you care about reading my blog?

Avid motorcyclist & freelance writer, specializing in motorcycles & motorcycle related topics, with a healthy dose of good humor, good vibes & general advice on simply being a good person.
Showing posts with label Live life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live life. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2020


Why are motorcyclists so infatuated with riding?

The very idea of riding a motorcycle can be terrifying for some, but for others, it's as essential to life as breathing. Why is it then, that such a stark contrast of emotions can be derived from such a simple machine?

What is a motorcycle?

Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines a motorcycle as: an automotive vehicle with two in-line wheels. Well, there you have it- how very technically accurate of them. It's not an incorrect definition; after all, motorcycles do have a motor and two wheels that are in-line with each other, but for so many of us, motorcycles are much, much more than this simple, and somewhat, diminutive definition would suggest.

Stress reliever and therapist

As I've previously mentioned in my blog and in my videos, my motorcycle is my stress relief- my therapist, if you will. After a long, stressful day at work, I look forward to getting on my motorcycle for what I like to call my "mototherapy." There's just something relaxing about coming home from work after a long, crappy day at the office and getting in the saddle. There are few things more relaxing than feeling the wind on my face, seeing the sun setting behind the tall, lanky southern pines and ancient oak trees and hearing the cicadas, crickets and tree frogs chirping and buzzing the final moments of daylight away. Just being on the bike while the sun slowly melts into the horizon, turning the trees into black silhouettes starkly contrasted by the fading orange, pink and blue sky, creating a hauntingly beautiful skyline, makes it feel like you're on the canvas of a masterpiece while it's being created. I know that may sound silly to some, but my fellow motorcycle riders know exactly what I'm talking about. 

The answer is in the question

Riding a motorcycle isn't something that you just do, it's something that you are a part of. You drive a car, but you ride a motorcycle. In a car, you are surrounded by layers of metal, fabric, foam and glass... much of which is completely unused on a daily basis. On a motorcycle though, you are on it- you are a part of it. You are the component that keeps it from falling over on it's side while at a stop. You must use both hands and both feet to operate it. The speed of the machine is directly proportional to the amount of movement you put in your wrist and the steering and control of the bike is directly and immediately influenced by even the slightest shift of your body. Riding a motorcycle isn't something that you simply do, but rather, it is a completely immersive activity. Being a motorcyclist isn't something that you do, it is something that you become. 

An emotional response

Motorcycles evoke emotions from, almost, everyone. Whether its excitement, anxiety, fear or elation, when someone sees a motorcycle ride by, they feel it. Small kids sitting in the rear seats of their mom and dad's beige SUV's and baby blue minivans, will sit and stare at a biker stopped for traffic. Kids and grown-ups alike tend to have an uncontrollable urge to wave at motorcycles as they ride by. Many of us can even remember a time in our childhood, when we saw (or heard) a motorcycle cruise past our house, or pass up the family truckster while we were taking a road trip to see grandma and grandpa. Even those among us that don't ride have some kind of motorcycle story to tell. 

Speaking of motorcycles

Every rider has his or her own story of how they learned to ride and, if you give them enough time, they'll be more than happy to tell you what got them into it. We can't help it, we love to share our passion for riding with other people. When someone gets inspired to try it out for themselves... we can barely contain our excitement for them. We want to share our successes and failures, tips and riding advice with them. We genuinely want them to be good, safe riders. When someone crashes their bike, we rally around them, supporting them and helping them heal... many times not even knowing them personally. We help them fix their motorcycle, or find a new one if it can't be repaired.

In the motorcycling community, we believe in helping each other out. It's common knowledge that if you see a fellow biker on the side of the road, you stop and check on him or her. Lending a hand and offering help isn't something that we have to be told to do, it's just something that we do, because we know it's the right thing to do.

Leather clad angels on two wheels

Motorcyclists are some of the most gracious, charitable and genuinely helpful people in our communities. The motorcycling community as a whole is responsible for donating millions of dollars a year to some of the most honorable and worthy causes in our communities. From raising money and collecting clothing for the local family that lost their house in a fire, to donating toys for underprivileged kids, to giving hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to the American Cancer Society or Saint Jude's Children's Hospital, it's easy to see that not all angels have wings and a halo, some of them wear leather vests and helmets. 

When a police officer, firefighter or service member dies, there is usually some kind of procession of motorcyclists there to honor and respect the fallen hero. Often, you will see a mix of both police motor officers and civilian riders, slowly rolling together to honor the dead. Sometimes, the riders will park their bikes along the roadway, heads bowed and hands over their hearts, or arms stiffly raised to their brow in respectful salute, to show grace and pay their respect to the family of the fallen. 

One bad apple

Many people associate all motorcyclists with the "gangs" they see on television shows and news reports. There are, literally, millions of dollars to be made on selling these stories to the masses. Shows like Sons of Anarchy and America Undercover are proof of that. The ironic part is that most of these storied clubs refer to themselves as "one percenters", meaning that they, themselves, acknowledge that they only make up about one percent of the motorcycling community. That means that out of 100 motorcycle riders you come across, only one of them will potentially be a self-admitted "outlaw." That means that the other 99 are good, honest, law abiding citizens that just happen to ride motorcycles. Another ironic detail that many folks don't want to admit, is that even the guys wearing those ominous looking patches on their backs, will often stop to offer assistance to a fellow motorcycle rider that's broken down or crashed. We rarely see that kind of camaraderie among other groups of people, with old car enthusiasts being one of the very few exceptions. 

As kids, we are taught (or at least we should be) not to judge an entire group of people based on the actions of a few, so why do we allow all motorcyclists to be judged and condemned because of the actions of a few bad apples? Why do we propagate the fear of horrible crashes, bloody highways and instant death as a result of riding motorcycles to our kids? How many times have you heard "motorcycles are dangerous, I know a guy that knew a guy, whose best friend was killed in a horrible motorcycle crash"? That seems to be such a common comment. Of course, a little research into the story might often implicate the operator of said motorcycle of some poor decision making and reckless operation of his machine... both of which would have more than likely led that poor schmuck to the same fate had he been behind the wheel of a Buick, instead of being perched atop a Kawasaki.

Teach the kids to respect the ride

Instead of teaching the, inevitable, next generation of riders to be afraid of their machines, why not teach them to embrace them? I refer to them as the "inevitable next generation of riders" simply because most kids (and many adults who refuse to grow old) will always seek to quench their thirst for excitement with the satisfying libation that is riding. 

Instead of teaching the next generation to fear the power of the machine, we should teach them how to harness it. Instead of telling them they will die, we should be teaching them how not to. Proper gear, good techniques and plenty of practice are all great points to cover. Many people may not realize this, but a little known fact is that good, well practiced and experienced motorcycle riders are actually much better car drivers, too. They tend to look further down the road, anticipate the actions of other drivers faster and are generally more alert to adverse driving conditions. We never hear about them though, because we only track statistics of bad drivers- not good ones.

The final answer and my final thought

So, why are motorcyclists so infatuated with riding their bikes? Because motorcycles are more personal to each individual rider- the fitment, the power and the overall ride of every motorcycle is uniquely specific, and finely tuned to each rider and his or her preferences. We do this on purpose. We customize our bikes to make them fit us and our needs. We want to express our individuality and our personality in the bikes that we ride because we form a bond with the machine- we trust it, we take care of it, and in return, it will take care of us- both physically and mentally.

I suppose that Merriam-Webster's definition probably is the best, though. After all, if we tried to actually define our beloved motorcycles by what they actually are and what they mean for us, the definition would probably be 7 pages long and non-riders probably still wouldn't understand. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Life is short, seize the damn day!

75 good years. That's about all we really have on this planet. Some people make it to, or just over, 100 years alive, but really, how much fun are they having at 100 years above dirt? How much hiking, climbing, skiing, biking, jogging, and/or playing with their grand kids or family are they doing? How much motorcycle riding are they doing?

I submit to you that, in reality, 75 years is probably a bit of an overestimate, but I'll stick to that number for now. You see, while we get credit for those first few years, let's be honest... that's like an introductory offer. For the first, say... 3 years of life, we're pretty much just eating, shitting and growing. We are learning that the stove is hot and that dirt tastes like, well, dirt. It's only after that 4th birthday that we really start getting into some fun times. The world is our playground... the only thing is, our world is only about the size of a playground and it consists of pretty much just our house and our yard. But... nevertheless, we still get credit for it. Once we start eating that birthday cake, we start having more fun, and if we do it right, we can maintain that fun for the next 75 years until our birthday cake looks like a small house fire. If and only if, we've half-assed taken care of ourselves, that is.

Now, I'm in no way trying to bring you down, on the contrary, actually. My point with telling you this is, to get you to stop wasting your time, wishing for the time that you can do, whatever it is that you want to do. The time is NOW. Go hike that trail, take that flight to Zimbabwe, run that marathon, or... for the purposes of my (hopefully fast growing number of) readers...BUY THAT DAMN MOTORCYCLE! I have a very good friend that wants a motorcycle. Every time I see him, I tell him, go get a bike... financing is available and new models are on the showroom floor, waiting to be bought, right now as we speak. But it's always the same thing with him... "not yet, I'm trying to pay off bills." That's great... totally understandable, more or less. Now, I'll be honest with you... you probably don't need to look to me for financial advice.... but... for motorcycle advice and for advice on happy living, I can probably give you some gems.

Let's get back to our timeline, shall we? So, from age 5 to 18, we are pretty much living the school life- learning how to interact with people, learning to fight, learning to love, learning to drive and of course, learning how to read, write and arithmetize. Those can be awkward times- dealing with pimples, bad hair styles and that weird thing that our voice does when we talk to girls. But, once we wrap that up, we are starting to really settle in to the good times. Some go to college, others go to work, but we all get to start doing what we want to do. By the time we graduate high school, we are left with, around 60 good years left. Unfortunately, for most of us, for the next few years, despite our best efforts, we are pretty much still struggling financially. We are dating, going to college or working to get past that "new guy" status in our job. Maybe we've found that special someone and we are making big plans for our future with them. Either way, while we are still trying to get our shit together, our timeline is slowly shrinking.

Every person's life takes a different course, but the reality is this- once we get through college, or internships, or training and we get settled in to that full time, grown -up, job that we have and after we get our family life situated, we are already closing the door on our 20's and our "good years" are already down to around 50 or so left. You see, when we are in our first few "good years", we keep saying, "when I grow up." When we are grown up, but still thinking about proms and that history test that we forgot to study for, we are saying, "when I graduate." And, of course, when we are grown up, graduated and we are living day-to-day, as adults, old enough to drink some hooch and pay our own light bills, we start saying, "when I can (insert whatever excuse you are telling yourself, here)."

I submit to you this- NOW is WHEN and WHEN is NOW. Do it before you can't. I was lucky enough to find a woman that, wholeheartedly, supports me and my motorcycle addiction. Sure, right at first, she wasn't exactly excited about it... I mean, after all, I was a father of two very young sons and I was already working in a pretty dangerous job. But, after we talked about it, she understood and slowly started warming up to the reality that she was married to a man who was, quite possibly, born with a V-twin powered heart. It's been nearly 20 years now that I've been back on two wheels and she's seen me go through about a dozen motorcycles. She even still has enough patience with me to let me keep a few and even supported me teaching my sons how to ride, which, for the protective momma bear that she is, was quite surprising!

Look folks, we aren't promised tomorrow. I've lost enough people in my life and I've seen death's grisly blank stare and bony fingers randomly take lives at every conceivable age and condition. Trust me... we aren't promised a single moment past this very one that we are in right now. Plan for tomorrow... plan for all the tomorrows. Hell, by all means, start planning for that 102nd birthday party... but by all the grace that may find you...LIVE for TODAY. Play with your kids, take your wife to that ridiculously overpriced restaurant and by all means... buy the motorcycle and go explore our world on it... do these things now, before you completely run out of those precious few "good years" you have left.

May peace be with you always, even when the days aren't so good.